Start with Pre-Application
The purpose of the pre-application meeting is to provide an opportunity for applicants to present their project to city staff so they can find out what will be required for a formal application. This saves time and money while preparing a project for a formal submittal. City staff will review the proposed project in the office and in the field and be ready to present maps, aerial photographs, drawings, copies of code, and standards to assist with the project.
To Schedule a Pre-Application Meeting
Owner Permission
Provide a letter, prepared by the property owner, stating that the applicant has permission to discuss improvements on their property.
Letter of Intent
Provide a brief letter of intent describing proposed uses.
Conceptual Site Plan
Prepare one copy of the conceptual plan for your proposed site, subdivision, rezone or General Land Use Map Amendment. Professional preparation is not required. However, the more detailed your information, the more detailed the city feedback on your project will be.
Submit application and concept plan to the development coordinator by 3:00 p.m. on the Tuesday a week prior to the pre-application date desired. Once the submittal is determined to be complete, your project will be scheduled for the next available pre-application time slot. You will be notified of the scheduled date and time.

Find the Right Application and Permit
The following Development Applications and Permits are included in the Development Process Manual, which provides the development community with information necessary to plan for, apply for, and submit necessary information to receive approval of a development application.
Each application process has an information packet that contains a cover sheet, checklist, application, owner affidavit, fee sheet, and process. By following the information provided in each application packet, it will guide you in preparing a complete submittal for your project. Just download the application for the type of process you seek.
The Development Application and Permits are meant as an aid and are not intended to replace ordinances, codes, design and construction standards, and other processes in place.
Development Applications
- Accessory Dwelling Unit Application
- Application form and Owner Affidavit form
- Condominium Conversion
- Condominium Plat
- Condominium Site
- Development Plan
- General Plan Land Use Map Amendment
- General Plan Text Amendment
- Group Home Fire Inspections Form
- Lot Line Adjustment
- Residential Construction Not in a Recorded Subdivision
- Site Plan
- Site Plan Amended
- Subdivision, Minor
- Subdivision, Major Final
- Subdivision, Major Preliminary
- Subdivision Plat Vacation
- Zoning Map Amendment
- Zoning Text Amendment
- Zoning Map Amendment for PRD, P-C, WSPA
- Withdrawal of Application
West Jordan Community Development
8000 S. Redwood Rd
West Jordan, UT 84084
(excluding all state and federal holidays)
8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Building Department
Excavation/Land Disturbance Permit, Bond Reduction, Engineering
Planning/Development Project Status