Get Involved

The City of West Jordan has a variety of opportunities for residents to get involved. We have committees, events, boards, and commissions in need of volunteers. If you’re interested in giving back or getting involved with your community reach out to the city, today! 

City Committees: 

  • General Plan Committee: assists the planning commission in the preparation and adoption of a comprehensive, long-range general plan for land use, and growth and development. For more information call 801-569-5028, or email  
  • Board of Adjustment: hears appeals of decisions submitted by zoning administrators. For more information call 801-569-5100, or email
  • Design Review Committee: reviews and makes recommendations related to site design standards of a site plan, development plan and/or installation alternatives. For information call 801-569-5100 or email
  • Diversity Committee: collaborates with diverse voices to help shape events and policies that ensure everyone feels welcome and valued in West Jordan. For information call 801-569-5100 or email
  • Healthy West Jordan Committee: implements goals and programs to ensure West Jordan is a city where each resident can live a healthy, productive life. Call 801-569-5100, or email
  • Planning Commission: makes recommendations to the City Council regarding annexations and zone changes, commercial development plans, subdivision plans, and other development and planning activities. For more information call 801-569-5100, or email Learn more about the planning commission here.
  • South Valley Regional Airport Advisory Board: studies various issues that affect the South Valley Regional Airport and makes recommendations to the City council to appoint to the SLC Airport Advisory board. For more information call 801-569-5100, or email
  • Sustainability Committee: is responsible for recommending and implementing solutions to reduce environmental impact and costs. Call 801-569-5100, or email  Learn about rebates and ways to conserve here.
  • Western Stampede Committee: helps plan and execute the annual PRCA Rodeo and related activities. Call 801-569-5100, or email

Fire Department Volunteers 

The West Jordan Fire Department offers volunteer opportunities through the Community Emergency Response Team and Local Emergency Planning Committee. Call 801-260-7310 for more information. 

Police Department Volunteers 

Join the Citizens Police Academy, volunteer in Police Service, or participate in the Neighborhood Watch Program. Call 801-256-2000 for more information. 

Events Department Volunteers  

The City of West Jordan hosts several large events throughout the year and relies on volunteers to bring the event to life. If you’d like to participate, call 801-569-5160 or email

aerial view of West Jordan neighborhood