The City of West Jordan participates in the Salt Lake County Urban Wildlife Assistance Program. This program is only for the removal of skunks and raccoons.
Read through the directions below to learn how to participate in the program.

How does this program work?
This program requires homeowners and business owners to purchase a live trap and trap skunks and raccoons which may be damaging or destroying property or posing a threat to human health and safety. A limited number of loaned traps are available on a first come, first serve basis and are loaned out for a two week period.
Homeowners and business owners can call the urban office at 385-419-3405 before 8:30 AM and leave their name, number, address, and trap location on the voicemail and the animal will be picked up that day – free of charge. If the call is received after 8:30 AM, the trap may not be picked up until the following business day. This program is limited to skunks and raccoons. This program does not include the pickup and disposal of road kill.
Required Documentation
Prior to the first pick-up, or at the time of pickup, please complete the highlighted portions of the WS FORM 12C. Wildlife Specialists will not remove the animal until the form is signed. Place the form in a zip lock bag and secure it on your front door or near the trap. This form allows specialists permission on your property.
The document needs to be signed only once for each individual property and is good for five years from the signed date. Subsequent visits to the same property will not require another form.
Technical Assistance
If residents or business owners have specific questions about how to alleviate damages posed by raccoons, skunks, or any other wildlife species they can call and leave their name, number, and a brief message to the urban office 385-419-3405. Specialists will provide information, advice, and techniques on how to handle each specific situation.
Where to Purchase a Trap
Wire cage traps can be purchased at most local farm/co-op stores, sporting goods stores, and many online retailers. When purchasing a trap, get one large enough for an adult raccoon to fit in comfortably.
A large trap size is usually 10″ x 12″ x 32″, big enough when catching a skunk. Extra large traps are around 15″ x 15″ x 42″ and may be beneficial when trying to catch large, adult raccoons.