The West Jordan Planning Commission has scheduled a public hearing to be held on Tuesday, December 7, 2021 at which time input will be received prior to discussion and possible recommendation to the City Council concerning the proposed items:
Text Amendment – Pylon signs in C-G Zone; Amend the 2009 West Jordan City Code Section 13-17-2 permitting Major Pylon Signs in the C-G Zone; City-wide applicability; City of West Jordan (applicant)
The meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m.
The proceedings may be viewed in the following ways:
You are invited to attend the Public Hearing and take part in the discussions and voice any support or concerns you may have with the above-mentioned projects. If you want to speak on an item, the time will be limited to 3 minutes. Items may be moved on the agenda or tabled by the Planning Commission. Items not heard will be scheduled on the next agenda.
If you have any questions concerning this notice, please contact the West Jordan City Planning and Zoning office at (801) 569-5060. Copies of the agenda packet for this meeting will be available for viewing on the West Jordan website approximately 5 days prior to the meeting.