Planning & Zoning

The Planning and Zoning Division in West Jordan oversees growth and development to maintain neighborhood quality and boost commercial activity. We use smart growth and sustainability concepts to guide current projects and long-term plans, aiming to enhance development quality and foster community cohesion. Our team offers prompt and professional services, including development review, consultation, and ensuring compliance with codes.

Important Documents:

Planning Commission

Meetings: Planning Commission Meetings are typically scheduled for the first and third
Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m., in the City Hall Council Chambers, 8000 South Redwood
Road 3rd Floor, West Jordan, Utah.

Agendas and Minutes: Agendas and Minutes can be viewed online.


  • Ammon Allen
  • Jimmy Anderson
  • Emily Gonzalez
  • Trish Hatch
  • Tom Hollingsworth
  • John Roberts
  • Jay Thomas

Contact the planning commission:

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I determine the Zoning District of my property?

Locating your property’s Zoning District is a straightforward process. You can easily find it by following these steps:

  1. Access the City Info Map: Visit the provided website link: City Info Map.
  2. Enter Your Address: In the top left corner of the map interface, either navigate to your address or directly input it into the search bar.
  3. Identify Your Property: Once your property is located on the map, click on it. A pop-up window will appear.
  4. Find Your Zoning District: Within the pop-up window, you’ll see a section labeled “zone name.” This will indicate the Zoning District your property belongs to.
Are multi-family residential developments permitted within the city limits of West Jordan?

Multi-family residential development in West Jordan is governed by the Balanced Housing Ordinance, which mandates a specific ratio of 77% single-family residential to 23% multi-family residential, as outlined in the West Jordan City code.

As of the end of 2023, West Jordan had 73% single-family residential units and 27% multi-family residential units, indicating a deviation from the established ratio. Consequently, the City imposes restrictions on further multi-family residential development to achieve the desired balance.

However, there are exceptions to this ordinance, including multi-family housing located within a Transit Station Overlay District, senior housing designated for individuals aged 55 and older, and housing for disabled persons, among others.

For more detailed information or inquiries regarding multi-family residential development regulations, please contact the Planning & Zoning Department or refer to the provided link: West Jordan City Code Library.

Can I park my car on the street?

Parking a car or truck on the street is permitted, but with limitations outlined in Title 7, Chapter 3 of the West Jordan City Code. More specifically, on-street parking is prohibited:

  • Anywhere along the street if snow is on the ground between November 1st and April 30th.
  • Along street curbs painted red or yellow, or near posted “No Parking” signs
  • On sidewalks, park strips, front yard landscaping or any other area not typically designated for parking
  • If the vehicle blocks or obstructs a driveway, crossing or sidewalk
  • Within 15 feet of a fire hydrant
  • Within 5 feet of a driveway
  • Within 5 feet of a curbside mailbox
  • Within a crosswalk or street intersection
  • Within 20 feet of an intersection crosswalk
  • Along an alley or private lane that is 20 feet wide or less
  • Within 30 feet of a traffic control device (i.e. traffic light, pedestrian crossing signal, etc.)
  • Within 50 feet of a railroad crossing
  • On a steep slope unless the vehicle brake is on and the wheels are turned toward the curb
  • If the vehicle is a recreational vehicle (motor home), trailer, watercraft, snowmobile, ATV, excavation vehicle/equipment, or any other similar type of vehicle.
  • If the vehicle is leaking any fluids or is inoperable
  • If the vehicle is parked in a manner that results in less than 10 feet of width for traffic travel on the road.
What types of businesses am I allowed to operate from my home?

Generally, low-impact businesses that won’t negatively impact or change the character of the neighborhood, such as offices, hair salons, bookkeeping, crafts, and daycares. 13-11-3

I want to put up a temporary sign (i.e. banner, flag, A-frame) for my business. What is allowed?

Temporary signs are signs that are intended to be displayed for a temporary period of time. Such signs are divided into 3 categories and are allowed only in specific zones. Learn more about signs and zoning here.

I’m interested in operating a food truck or food trailer in West Jordan. What are the necessary steps I need to take?

Food trucks or food trailers that consist of a fully enclosed kitchen within the frame of the vehicle in which the vendor prepares, sells or serves food and/or beverages for immediate human consumption are exempt from City permitting requirements under the State of Utah Code – Mobile Business Licensing and Regulation Act. However, any commissaries servicing the food truck/food trailer must have a valid and current business license.

Food trucks and food trailers are allowed in all zones but must comply with all Salt Lake County Health Department regulations and applicable City zoning regulations while in operation. The applicable City zoning regulations are listed as follows:

  • Location: the food truck/food trailer and all customer vehicles must be parked on a paved asphalt, concrete or gravel (3/4” pieces, 4” thick layer) surface that prevents flooding and the tracking of mud from the site.
  • Parking: If parked in a parking lot, the food truck/food trailer and associated customer parking cannot occupy more spaces in a manner that reduces the available spaces for other businesses beyond the minimum parking requirements.
  • Toilet Facilities: Toilet facilities must be available for public use on site, whether by permission of nearby businesses or temporary toilets. If temporary toilets are used, the business owner of the food truck/food trailer or designee must maintain these facilities in a sanitary manner.
  • Electrical Power: Any electrical power to the site must be located so as to not present any hazard to the public and must be inspected by the West Jordan Building & Safety Department.
  • Setbacks: The food truck/food trailer must be set back from property lines, parking, traffic and other structures in a manner that is safe to the public.
  • Signs: Temporary signs used by the food truck/food trailer must be approved through a Temporary Sign Permit prior to being displayed.
  • Structure Materials: The food truck/food trailer must be of durable materials and constructed to withstand weather.
  • Pedestrian Circulation: Pedestrian circulation must be identified on the site and clearly marked so as to avoid conflicts with parked vehicles and/or adjacent streets and driveways serving the site. If deemed necessary by the Fire Department and/or the Police Department, fencing shall be provided to provide pedestrian safety.
Is a self-storage warehouse or RV storage business permitted in West Jordan?

Self-storage warehouse and/or RV storage businesses fall under the land use category of Self-Service Storage Warehouse defined in §13-2-3 of the West Jordan City Code. Self-Service Storage Warehouse uses are allowed only on irregular lots within the M-1 zones and require a Conditional Use Permit, per §13-5F-4I and §13-5F-2 of the West Jordan City Code. Irregular lots are defined in §13-2-3 of the West Jordan City Code as “A lot of such a shape or configuration that technically meets the area, frontage and width depth requirements of this title, but is unusual in elongations, angles, curvilinear lines unrelated to topography or other natural features. Irregular shaped lots include triangle, gore or pie shaped lots.

What are the City requirements for a detached garage, shed, or other detached accessory structure?

Any detached accessory structure exceeding 200 square feet or 17 feet in height, or equipped with gas, electricity, water, and sewer, requires a building permit.

You can find detailed City standards, including maximum height, area, and setback requirements, in our Accessory Structure Brochure, available at this link: Accessory Structure Brochure. For more information, refer to the City code here: City Code.”

How do I know where the utilities on my property are?

Blue Stakes of Utah will mark buried utilities on your property for free before you dig, simply call 8-1-1.

What are the City regulations concerning fences in residential neighborhoods?

A fence may be no more than 4’ tall when it is in a front yard setback, or within 10’ of a driveway and 20’ of a street.

A fence may be no more than 6’ tall when it is located behind the front yard setback.  If the home is located on a collector or an arterial street it may be located in the front yard.

A fence may be no more than 8’ tall when it is located along a side or rear lot line adjacent to an arterial street.

Am I able to request my neighbor to relocate, remove, or repair our shared fence?

Fences in West Jordan do not require a permit and are permitted to be placed anywhere on private property, as long as they comply with the height restrictions of §13-14-4 of the West Jordan City Code. Other than fence height violations, the City does not get involved in fence disputes between neighboring property owners.

What are the regulations for installing solar panels on my property?

Solar panels must meet setbacks, be designed to minimize reflected sunlight onto neighboring structures and rights-of-ways (roads) 13-8-22D

A building permit must be applied for, included with this application the following is needed: A wiring diagram, Equipment Specs, and a letter from an engineer certifying the roof can support the system (if roof mounted)

What are the City’s regulations for an internal accessory dwelling unit, such as a basement apartment or mother-in-law suite?

Only one accessory dwelling unit (“ADU”) is allowed per property.  ADUs are not allowed in multi-family, mobile homes, attached housing units, or if it will be served by a failing septic tank.  Attached garages will not be allowed to be converted into an ADU unless a detached, two-car garage meeting the 2009 City Code is constructed on the property.

The ADU must have areas for eating, sleeping, and sanitation facilities separate from the primary dwelling unit.

The property owner must maintain a valid business license if renting either the primary unit or the ADU.  The owner may not rent out both the primary unit and ADU separately.

In addition to the required parking for the primary unit, the ADU must have at least one 9’ x 18’ parking space constructed of asphalt or concrete which does not obstruct the required parking of the primary dwelling.  For example, if a primary dwelling unit has a two-car garage and driveway, the accessory parking could not be in the driveway in front of the garage.  If the primary dwelling has a three-car garage, the accessory parking could be in the third garage, or in front of the garage.  If the primary dwelling has a two-car garage and a three-car driveway, the accessory parking space could be in the extra width of the driveway.

What are the City regulations for an external accessory dwelling unit?

Only one accessory dwelling unit (“ADU”) is allowed per property.  An external ADU will not be allowed if it is served by a failing septic tank.  An external ADU is permitted only in single-family zones and rural zones on lots larger than 10,000 square feet and must be on the same lot as the primary dwelling unit.

The ADU must have areas for eating, sleeping, and sanitation facilities separate from the primary dwelling unit.

The property owner must maintain a valid business license if renting either the primary unit or the ADU.  The owner may not rent out both the primary unit and ADU separately.

In addition to the required parking for the primary unit, the ADU must have at least one 9’ x 18’ parking space constructed of asphalt or concrete which does not obstruct the required parking of the primary dwelling.  For example, if a primary dwelling unit has a two-car garage and driveway, the accessory parking could not be in the driveway in front of the garage.  If the primary dwelling has a three-car garage, the accessory parking could be in the third garage, or in front of the garage.  If the primary dwelling has a two-car garage and a three-car driveway, the accessory parking space could be in the extra width of the driveway.

 External ADUs must be built on a permanent foundation and meet the Building Code.

The external ADU may not cover more than 20% of the rear and side yard, additionally maximum building coverage requirements of the 2009 City Code apply, meaning that no more than 35%-40% of the entire lot may be covered by buildings.

Setbacks for external ADUs are: 6’ from primary dwelling unit, 15’ from rear property line, 8’ from internal side property line, and 20’ from a corner side property line.

The design and material used for an external ADU must be similar to and compatible with the design and materials used on the primary dwelling unit.

What is the difference between a setback and an easement? Can I build a structure within a setback or easement?

An Easement is a portion is a portion of a lot reserved for current and future use to a person, agency, other than the legal owner of the lot (for example the power or telecommunications company)

A Setback is the required distance on a lot between a building and a property line. You may not build a structure within a setback, and may not be able to build over an easement 13-2-3

Are short-term rentals allowed in West Jordan?

No.  §13-2-1 of the 2009 City Code states that “This zoning title prohibits all uses except those expressly permitted.”  Short-term rentals are not currently permitted in West Jordan.

How do I find out where my property lines are located?

For the most accurate information about where your property lines are, it’s best to hire a private surveyor. The City does not offer this service. However, you may be able to utilize a plat map from the Salt Lake County Recorder’s Office to estimate the boundary.

West Jordan Community Development

8000 S. Redwood Rd
West Jordan, UT 84084



(excluding all state and federal holidays)
8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

City Planner Larry Gardner



aerial view of West Jordan neighborhood