This year, the City of West Jordan will be performing maintenance and road repairs on select streets.
A Mill and Overlay is a pavement maintenance project that becomes necessary when too many cracks have developed in the asphalt surface, put simply: it’s adding new life to old pavement. Too many cracks prevent another form of pavement maintenance, such as a crack seal or a HDMB, from working properly. ADA ramps are sloped pathways that connect a sidewalk to a street curb.

Project Map (2025)
See if your street is on our list:
Pink lines represent High Density Mineral Bond Projects
Green lines represent Mill and Overlay Projects
Purple circles represent ADA Ramp Projects
Orange lines represent Scrub/Chip Seal Projects
*This work is weather, funding, and material dependent, projects may start and finish later than anticipated based on these factors.*
What are the steps of a Mill and Overlay Project?
Before any work takes place, the city (or the contractor hired by the city) will hand out notifications to residents or businesses along streets that will be impacted. These notifications will provide contact information for those who may have questions or concerns.
Tree Trimming
The milling/paving operation requires the use of large heavy equipment. To prevent damage to trees primarily located in parking strips, and to allow equipment to safely travel underneath, the City will prune the trees that don’t already meet city ordinance.
Lowering Manholes, Monuments, and Water Valves in the Road
Crews will need to remove the concrete surrounding existing manholes, monuments, and valves in the road and lower them. They will then place a temporary asphalt patch over the top of them.
A Roto-mill machine will grind off the top two inches of existing asphalt prior to paving the street. The milled surface will have a rough appearance and will not be as smooth to drive on. There may be some areas where gravel is exposed or where holes develop from traffic traveling on the street – this is especially common on older roads where the asphalt is not as thick. Roads will typically remain open during the milling operation and crew members will help drivers get through the area. Drivers should expect minor delays and use caution when traveling through the area.
Tack Oil
Tack oil is sprayed down over the milled surface. Tack oil is sprayed on the roads when the road has been closed prior to paving the street and is typically covered with asphalt within a couple of hours.
A paving machine will lay down asphalt on top of the tack oil. Compaction machinery will follow the paver and will compact the asphalt into the road surface.
Raise Manholes and Valves
The manholes and valves that are now buried under the new asphalt surface will be raised. This involves removing asphalt above buried manholes/monuments/valves, setting metal lids to proper grade and pouring concrete around the lid structure. Steel plates or traffic control devices will be used to protect the new concrete from being driven on.
Roadway Striping
Any necessary roadway striping will be painted on the new asphalt surface. Once dry, the road is complete and safe to drive on!
What is a High Density Mineral Bond and what does it mean for me?
A High Density Mineral Bond (HDMB) application is an effective way to extend the life of your street up to seven years. A HDMB looks like a black slurry that is sprayed across the asphalt surface. This coating seals the top of the asphalt from water, UV rays, and other elements that may damage it over time.

What are ADA Ramps, and what kind of construction impact can I expect?

About ADA Ramps:
Our curb ramps are designed to meet ADA requirements and to create smooth transitions between different levels and ensure everyone, regardless of mobility challenges, can navigate public spaces comfortably.
Construction Impacts:
Crews will need to shut down portions of a sidewalk corner while they replace current ADA ramps. Residents will also see construction equipment in the road. Residents should not expect road closures with ADA ramp re-construction. Your safety and convenience are a top priority.
Thank you for your patience while we continue to make improvements in our city!