Turning Green Waste into Clean Energy: The Benefits of Landfill Gas Conversion

A reddish-brown wheelbarrow filled with freshly cut green grass clippings is set on a lush, green lawn. The grass clippings are piled high, indicating recent lawn maintenance.

The seasonal can (formerly green waste can) will start getting picked up the week of April 6th. It can be used for household and yard waste. The Trans-Jordan Landfill no longer separates green, organic waste from household trash, and it turns out this is a good thing!

Benefits of Green Waste in a Landfill

  • Methane gas is created when organic (green waste) materials decompose in an oxygen-free environment, like in a landfill.
  • Trans-Jordan collects this gas and sends it through pipes to an energy conversion station and sells it to power homes.
  • Converting landfill gas to energy offsets the need for non-renewable resources and reduces air pollution.

While green waste is no longer separated, your green can is not obsolete! We usually have more to put in our cans during the growing seasons – weeds, grass clippings, leaves, etc.. From the first week of April through the last full week of November, you will still have that extra space to send your trash, from inside and outside your home!

aerial view of West Jordan neighborhood