NAACP Awards for West Jordan Police Officers

Seven people, six in police uniforms and one in business attire, pose with plaques in front of a backdrop featuring NAACP logos. They stand and sit on a patterned carpet in what appears to be a formal event setting.

On January 20, the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People), Salt Lake Chapter, awarded six of West Jordan’s devoted and steadfast police officers for their daily community service.

Officer Taylor Griffith wrapped his own hand around a knife blade to prevent a young boy from slitting his own throat.

On several occasions, Officer Matthew Collins didn’t just respond to calls for help, but sat down with struggling or suicidal individuals and connected with them on a personal level, providing not only safety but also comfort and compassion. Collins also apprehended a suspect with a history of stalking and escalating violence. Officer Collins’s efforts led to new charges, providing relief to the victim who had been living in fear for months due to the suspect’s continued harassment.

Sergeant Andrew Hercules spent 2024 developing the Community Outreach program for the West Jordan Police Department. It started small with “Cookies with a Cop” for kids and grew to guiding 20 kids through scholarship programs, and teaching immigrants and refugees not only how to drive on U.S. streets but how to get licensed and insured.

Officers Sabrina Garcia, Taylor Jackson, and Edgar Breton saved the lives of a mother and her 3-year-old daughter. The child’s father kidnapped both of them in the victim’s car and attempted to take away her phone. Thankfully, she was able to send screenshots of her location to her family, who passed the information to the officers. Garcia, Jackson and Breton combined efforts to track the family and successfully apprehend the suspect, who, based on his history, may have ended the lives of that family.

West Jordan is proud of these and all of our hardworking officers. Their selflessness and tireless efforts make a meaningful impact every day.

aerial view of West Jordan neighborhood