We’re Winterizing and You Should Too

It’s time to bundle up our parks and yards for winter! Parks officially closed on the second Saturday in October. That means bathrooms are closed, drinking fountains are turned off, and reservations for pavilions and fields are paused until Spring. West Jordan regional parks may still have portable bathrooms available for use. You are always welcome to enjoy our many parks and public spaces, but some services are on hold for the cold weather months.
What we’re doing
- Sprinklers, drinking fountains, and bathroom pipe systems are winterized by blowing air through the lines to remove all the water and prevent freezing.
- Playgrounds are inspected once a month during the winter to maintain safety.
- New trees are hand watered 2-3 times/week until the ground freezes or weather is too harsh for staff.
- Turf gets selective herbicide and fertilizer to strengthen roots while it’s dormant.
- All the lawns get a final mowing.
- Perennial plantings are deadheaded to prepare for new growth cycles in the spring. Annual plantings are removed.
- Remove leaf debris where necessary.
- Summer sports nets are removed and stored for winter.
- Equipment is cleaned and prepared for winter storage.
What you can do
- Turn the sprinklers off at the stop and waste valve.
- Depending on your sprinkler system, you may need to blow the water out of the pipes. “When in doubt, blow it out”.
- Hand water newly planted trees 2-3 times per week until conditions are no longer conducive for doing so.
- Deadhead perennial plantings to prepare them for the new growth cycles that will occur in the spring and remove annual plantings.
- Pick up fallen leaves; some can go in gardens as fertilizer or around the bases of trees to stop grass from growing too close.
- Mow your lawn one last time.
- Take the hose off the valve, drain it and store it in a shed or garage for the winter. You can insulate the outdoor faucets; if you do, watch for spiders, especially black widows, and hornets when you take them off in the Spring.
- If your trees, bushes, and perennials are suitable for West Jordan’s climate, they don’t need protection during winter. However, plants that are vulnerable to heavy snow or cold weather may need to be protected.
An important thing to keep in mind: the green waste program season ends on the last full week of November. This year, it will end the week of 25th. For more information about green waste and recent changes made to the program in our city, click here.