Beware of Ticket Scams! Top Tips to Protect Yourself and Avoid Fraud

Yes, you can fall victim to scams when purchasing Western Stampede tickets. These fraudulent schemes can strike anytime, anywhere.
Safe Ways to Buy Tickets
- The safest way to get tickets is from the city’s official website HERE.
- Purchase tickets from people you know and trust.
- Use a credit card to make the purchase online. If you do fall victim to a scam, credit card companies can issue a “chargeback”.
What to Do if You are Scammed
- Call your credit card company to dispute the charge.
- If you pay with cash, money order, cryptocurrency, etc., there’s not much you can do to get your money back. Identifying the individual could take months, if not impossible. However, the police department would still like a record of the incident. CAll the police non-emergency phone line: (801) 840-4000.
Warning Signs of a Scam
- If a deal sounds too good to be true, it probably is!
- Scammers may use fake numbers, emails, and other credentials, and are usually out of state.
- An individual wants a deposit or payment for a good before you receive it.
- The website URL looks a little different than the legitimate site
- The email address looks strange.