February is National Canned Food Month – A Checklist to Keep You and your Family Safe

A message from West Jordan’s Emergency Manager:
Thank the French for the idea of canned goods, dating back to the early 1800s, which has blossomed into a booming industry providing preserved food options for our meal plans, as well as long-term food options for emergency preparedness planning.
February is National Canned Food Month. This is a great time to take inventory of your pantry:
- See what you have and determine your needs
- Rotate your canned goods
- Check for rust, dents, and bulges
- Check the “use by” dates
Canned foods offer plenty of variety, ranging from fruits and vegetables to bread and meat products.
When shopping, add a few cans of your family’s favorites to your cart to supplement your food storage.
Canned foods are extremely popular and the technology and efforts to improve them are continually improving. Commercially produced canned foods are used around the world ranging from the military and private citizens to food banks.
Things to know about your canned goods, acidic foods such as tomatoes, fruit, etc., will maintain their quality for about 18 months. Low or non-acidic foods like meat and vegetables, have a longer shelf life averaging two to five years.
NOTE: Cans with dents, bulges, or that are extremely old, could have a toxin that is generated by Clostridium botulinum, which, according to the Centers for Disease Control can cause a rare, but serious illness.