The Great Utah Shakeout

Have you ever thought about what you would do during an earthquake here in the Salt Lake valley? Where your safe place would be?
The Great Utah Shakeout
Each year the Utah Department of Public Safety’s Division of Emergency Management invites Utahns to participate in The Great Utah Shakeout. This year’s event is Thursday, April 20, at 10:15 AM. Last year, more than one million Utahns participated.
What is the shakeout?
It is an opportunity for individuals, families, and organizations that they work for, or belong to, to practice how they would protect themselves when an earthquake happens along the Wasatch front, or as we learned in 2020, anywhere in the Salt Lake Valley. So what can people do?
When indoors, you can Drop, Cover and Hold On:
- First, DROP to the floor
- Next, take COVER under a sturdy desk or table
- Then, HOLD ON until the shaking stops
It is important for your safety to stay indoors until the shaking stops. Stay under cover until you are sure it is safe to come out.
If you are outside when the earthquake occurs, find a clear area away from buildings, power lines, streetlights, and trees, then, just like inside, Drop, Cover, and Hold On. Remain there until there is no more shaking.
If you are driving, stop at a clear area, stay there until the shaking stops, with your seatbelt fastened. Once the shaking stops, continue on you your way, but use caution and avoid any damaged infrastructure.
During an earthquake, injuries are rarely caused by the ground shaking. Most injuries and deaths related to earthquakes are the result of walls and roofs collapsing, and flying debris such as glass and other objects.
What is the city doing to prepare for a natural disaster?
- Educating: The city offers monthly emergency preparedness courses for residents to learn about any potential disaster that could happen in the city. Learn more by visiting the city’s community calendar.
- Planning: The city has protocols and procedures in place if a natural disaster were to strike.
- Training: West Jordan employees participate in training opportunities preparing them for disasters that impact the city.
For more information on being safe during an earthquake, go to The Great Utah Shakeout at or call Jeff Mulcahy, City of West Jordan Emergency Manager, 801-834-8502 or