Fall Yard Checklist – Deadlines and Dates You Need to Know

Spring shouldn’t take all the credit for cleaning up. Forget about Spring cleaning because this month we are all about Fall clean up. Now is the perfect time to prepare your yards for the cold months ahead. The West Jordan Parks and Public Works Departments are sharing some pro-tips on what you can do now to prepare for next year.
Clean up organic debris
Leaves and weeds provide the perfect place for pests and rodents to settle for the winter. Clear these piles out from your yards and flower beds. You wouldn’t invite a rat into your house, don’t invite them into your yard. Parks Pro tip: The more work you get done in the fall, the easier your spring start will be.
Trim rogue branches
Cut down dead, diseased, and damaged branches that may cause you trouble during the winter. These untidy branches could break and fall after a heavy snow. Parks Pro tip: Late fall/early winter is the best season to prune trees.
Clean out gutters
Check your gutters for proper drainage, it could save you in the long run! Blockages can be cleared out with a garden trowel and rinsed with a hose. Be sure to keep an eye out for storm drains on your street. A small buildup can cause major flooding.
Rake and mulch
Fallen leaves, if left unattended, can suffocate your grass. It’s important to rake them up. You can even shred those leaves (or mow them) and turn them into mulch for your trees, shrubs, and flower beds. Parks Pro tip: Late fall fertilization is the best time to encourage root growth in blue grass.
Plant bulbs, shrubs, and fall annuals
Believe it or not, some plants do best when planted in the fall. Add new shrubs and spring bulbs to look forward to in spring.
Important dates you need to know:
West Jordan’s Dumpster Day. Bring all your debris for free. Find more information here.
The LAST day of green waste pick up is the last full week of November. That’s the week of the 20th, on your regular garbage day. Find more information on our website.