August 2021
Congress passed The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), which designated COVID recovery funds to communities throughout the nation.
Although funds afforded to West Jordan are less than those of many other metropolitan areas, they are still substantial. The money provides a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to invest in our community and “get ahead.”
Over the last couple months, I hosted a committee designed to help determine the most impactful ways to spend the City’s ARPA allocation. We focused our efforts on transformative projects, with broad-based benefit, that fit within federal guidelines. The City Council recently approved the allocation of project funds, as proposed, in their budget discussions.
Just over 85% of the ARPA funds will be used to shore up infrastructure, including water storage and the expansion of wastewater capacity, to meet the demands of our growing community.
This investment will accelerate our ability to respond to growth while easing the burden on residents. It will also provide a path for immediate economic development that couldn’t otherwise be accommodated. Economic development provides ongoing stable revenue to our city.
About 15% will be spent on smaller projects designed to reach underserved populations within the community.
I am pleased with the resilience our community has displayed throughout the pandemic. We’re on the road to recovery, but we’re not there quite yet. In West Jordan, vaccination rates are lower and COVID-19 cases are up. Let’s be part of the solution. To learn more about vaccinations or find a provider near you, call (385) 468-4100.