Trap, Neuter & Release
The Trap, Neuter & Release program helps manage and reduce feral cat populations in West Jordan. Feral cats, who are captured, are spayed or neutered, vaccinated, and returned to their original location.
Benefits of this program:
- Prevents the birth of unwanted kittens in the community.
- Reduces the hormone-caused nuisance behaviors associated with cats not spayed or neutered.
- Vaccinates feral cats for the public’s health.
- Reduces the number of cats euthanized in animal shelters.
Resident Participants
Residents who are willing to be involved in the program can pick up a humane cat trap from the West Jordan Animal Shelter (5982 New Bingham Hwy). Residents can place a trap on their own property to capture cats. Once a cat is captured in the trap, the cat can be transported to the animal shelter by a resident, or an animal services officer. The officer will impound the cat and leave the trap at the trapping site during regular business hours. The cats will be spayed or neutered, vaccinated for public health, and released back to the original location.